do operations management and linear/interger programming using Excel, EXCEL SOLVER, PYTHON, CPLEX
We are here to help you out with your Operations Research & Linear Programming projects, problems, company works and other real-life issues that you face.
We are a team of expert in EXCEL SOLVER, PYTHON, LINGO/ LINDO, IBM CPLEX, AMPL AND GAMS for operations research & linear programming.
- Linear programming (Graphical, Simplex, Big-M, 2-Phase, Revised, Dual)
- Sensitivity analysis
- Integer, binary & mixed integer linear programming (Cutting Plane, Branch & Bound)
- Non-linear programming (Lagrangian, KKT)
- Game theory
- Goal Programming
- Scheduling projects
- Project management
- Travelling salesmen problems
- Shortest path
- Transportation problems
- Network optimization
- PERT/ CPM diagrams
- Dynamic programming
- Decision analysis
and many more.
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